Kentucky Housing Corporation Wins Awards for Program Excellence

October 28, 2019

At the October Annual Conference, the National Council of State Housing Agencies presented KHC with three Awards for Program Excellence. KHC was recognized (1) for creating a portable photo exhibit to showcase real stories about why affordable housing matters, (2) for creating a Business Planning Scorecard to quarterly highlight the agency’s progress and performance towards strategic goals, and (3) for creating a measurement tool to assess properties performance as they go through the compliance period. The Affordable Housing Creates Good Neighbors was featured at KHC’s recent annual conference and will travel to the Old Kentucky Capitol building in 2020. The exhibit can also be found online here.

Communications: Creative Media
Simply Home — Affordable Housing Creates Good Neighbors

Management Innovation: Operations
Corporate Health Report: New Business Planning Scorecard Format

Rental Housing: Multifamily Management
Proactive Approach to LIHTC Issues