OCCH’s job is to strengthen the ability of our partners to impact the lives of our residents and the quality of life in the neighborhoods we serve. We do this through raising private capital and investing in affordable housing communities, providing lending opportunities to provide a flexible source of capital through predevelopment, acquisition and bridge financing to developers of affordable housing, providing hands-on technical assistance and educational opportunities in property management, and providing funding to support organizations and strategies that enable residents of affordable housing developments to expand opportunities and improve their life outcomes.
At our core, we are here to ensure a return on investment for our investors, developers and communities in every phase of the financial and development process.
Our experience makes sense. Since inception, we have raised and deployed more than $6 billion resulting in 61,000 homes.
We invest capital – and experience – into helping partners create affordable housing opportunities and sustainable communities.
We deliver strong asset management oversight of the operational performance of our properties and are leaders in analyzing portfolio trends and emerging industry issues.
Driven by our mission to advance affordable housing and revitalize communities, we have sought ways to assist our partners and address critical needs.
We provide critical technical services to developers, assisting with deal structuring, feasibility analysis, application preparation, securing additional funding, knowledgeable underwriting, and construction oversight. We bring partners together to find solutions and strengthen deals.
The Ohio Capital Finance Corporation (OCFC), our lending affiliate, provides partners a flexible source of capital through various revolving loan funds to create and preserve the supply of affordable rental housing across Ohio and surrounding areas.
Community Properties of Ohio (CPO), our property management affiliate, manages 2,900 affordable housing units, links residents with resources to stabilize their housing, and assists residents to move beyond poverty where possible.
The Ohio Capital Impact Corporation (OCIC), our 501(c)(3) philanthropic affiliate, funds programs specifically targeted to benefit residents and neighborhoods where OCCH has investments in affordable housing.