When should I submit my project progress report?
A progress report should be submitted approximately halfway through the grant period (if applicable, please refer to Grant Agreement) and at the end of the grant period.
Do I need to submit any supplemental documentation with my progress report?
OCIC requires the submission of at least 10 photographs of grant activities with the final progress report. We appreciate receiving any testaments, published articles, etc. related to the grant.
What does it mean to be an “Impact Investor”?
An Impact Investor is an investor with Ohio Capital Corporation for Housing who has opted to contribute a portion of their earnings to specific grants awarded through the Ohio Capital Impact Corporation. You will be notified if your project has been selected to be funded by an Impact Investor.
When would I need to contact an Impact Investor associated with my project?
The Ohio Capital Impact Corporation will let you know if a specific Impact Investor has decided to fund your grant. If your grant is funded by an Impact Investor, we would request any communication of this award to others reference the impact investor and their commitment to the communities they serve. You would also want to communicate them with any upcoming events, photo opportunities, publications, etc.
OCIC will provide the contact information for the Impact Investor if applicable to your project. We ask that ALL grant administration questions or concerns be directed to OCIC and not to the Impact Investor.
Who should I contact to inform of scheduled events or of a press release related to the grant?
To inform of any scheduled events or press releases, please contact the following: